How does your location look on the web? DO A QUICK SCAN
Our Local Presence Management System is one of many service packages that we have created to help our clients manage their web presence. Local Presence Management is only one part of owning a successful website. Our LPMS will help you address the “GeoMarketing” aspect of being found on the internet. GeoMarketing is a fancy term coined by our industry to point out that when people are searching for your service they are often looking to find your location. By maintaining location data consistently across the web you increase your chances of being found in local searches for your particular service offerings within your service area. Our LPMS also provides you a way to add fresh content to your Google+, Facebook and website, monitor your online reviews and be more responsive to your customers and potential customers by offering calls to action (featured messages) that can be pushed out to multiple sites from one place quickly.
LPMS is not a substitute for a well written and managed website – but it is an important part of the big “puzzle” of owning a successful website.
What it includes:
In addition to providing you access to our Online Local Listings Toolkit we will provide:
Set up and configuration of your Power Listings:
- If you don’t already have Google Analytics we will set this up for you and add the code to your website.
- Set up of a weekly email from Google Analytics that sends you an “overview” report of your website traffic.
- Creation, claiming and/or connection of your Google+ Business Page (this includes Google Maps and Google Local information coordination)
- Creation, claiming and/or connection of your Facebook Business Page
- Creation, claiming and/or connection of your Yelp Business Page
- Creation, claiming and/or connection of your Yellow Pages Page
- If appropriate – Creation, claiming and/or connection of your Four Square business page.
Installation / configuration of a post by email application that will allow you to post “news” to your site via email.
Support to download and install an app that will allow you to post new content to your website using your phone.
Training on using the App to post fresh content to your website, FB and Google Plus page from your phone or tablet.
Weekly reminders to send us an update to your Featured Message (if you want to).
Posting of your updated featured message (when you provide an update to us)p.
Weekly reminders to provide fresh content for your website, FB and Google+ page.
Weekly Review Monitoring and Sharing on your FB page when you get positive reviews. When you get negative reviews we will notify you via email where the review appeared and how you should deal with it. (please note review monitoring is only available for the sites we have set up for you such as Yelp, Google and FB – If you choose to add Angie’s list and/or Trip Advisor to your initial set up cost we will also include review monitoring for those 2 sites).
What happens if/when I cancel my subscription?
Your Google+, Facebook, Yelp & Yellow pages listings will not be affected if/when you terminate your subscription to our Power Listings tools. We will be providing you direct access information for those sites during the initial set up process which you should keep in a safe place to insure future acccess. However, the way this tool works is that our Power Listings provider has established contracts with the companies that we are able to push information out to using this tool. If we are no longer purchasing that service from our vendor for you, we will no longer have control over your listings on all of these sites. It is our recommendation that you take the time during the course of your first year to personally “claim” as many of these free listing accounts as you can. It has been our experience that once the correct information has been out there for several months there is a good chance that the various sites will update their internal data resources and your information may not revert back to the bad or incomplete information that was there when we started. Unfortunately we have no way of being sure this will happen.
Will this service optimize my website for search engines?
No. Your website still needs to be fully optimized for every keyword phrase you hope to get organic search results for. This service only helps to insure that your information is listed correctly and found on the major Local Listing sites. By using the service to add fresh content to your website and social sites, encourage reviews and interact with your customers and potential customers you will naturally increase the likelihood that your listings will be found closer to the top of local market listings than your competitors that do not work on their websites and social media sites consistently.
Do I have to have a website to benefit from the Local Presence Management System?
No – but we strongly recommend you have a solid foundation website before signing up for this tool. In many situations a basic website optimized for your industry’s primary keyword phrase is enough. Each situation is different. If you wish, you can hire us to do a consultation with you prior to subscribing to this, or any other “SEO” service.
Does this service include website maintenance or SEO services?
This service includes minor website maintenance such as posting new content you provide. It does not include content development or website design changes or search engine optimization.
How much is it?
The fee is $175.00 per month (a minimum 1 year commitment is required).