(360) 857-5000
Complete Web Marketing Solutions for Truly Small Businesses

TSB Complete Solutions Survey

Thank you for signing up for our Website Review and Proposed Next Steps solution.

The truth is, we may come back to you with a recommended course of action and budget that you will not be happy with. Our objective is to provide you a list of suggested action items to take your web marketing to the level you tell us you want it to reach through this survey. If you are interested in pursuing these action items you can request a quote from us or you can take your action list to any web developer/marketing company and get bids.

Please complete the form below to the best of your ability. The more you tell us, the more effectively we can create a recommended action plan. Even if you think we already know the answers – we want to hear them in your own words. This is the most important request we will send you. Your answers will help us to help you build a long term plan of action and help you to know what needs to be done.

Please note that some lines in this form have a “+” icon beside them – this is because we want you to add as many rows of answers to that question as possible. You can add a new blank row by simply clicking the “+” icon next to it. Don’t be shy! This is the first step to your next level of web marketing success!!