(360) 857-5000
Complete Web Marketing Solutions for Truly Small Businesses

Cat-illac Pet Services


Pet Sitting Services Beaverton, Tualatin, Tigard, Metzger, Durham, King City and more in Oregon

A pet sitter in serving Sherwood, Tigard, Beaverton, Tualatin, Metzger, Durham, King City, Summersfield and other Oregon towns just SW of Portland, Oregon, Cat-illac Pet Services has a well establish web presence. Owner, Liane, uses her website to share her passion for pet sitting and pet care. This website owner has no interest in managing the content on her website so her original design, built using traditional HTML has served her well. With her eye toward a very small geographical market, Cat-illac Pet Services has gotten great search engine results based on our guidance and construction of keyword rich content. The owner tells us her customers find it easy to locate her and she feels that her site represents her well. She enjoys sharing images of her many “furry” clients and contacts us when it’s time for an update.

Although we rarely build this type of site any more, on occasion it is the best solution for some clients. This is why we like to talk to you about your short and long term goals before we quote a cost for creating a website. Our mission is always to help you determine the best use of your website promotion dollars.